Izon Giving has commited to donating 25% of net profits to charity. GOTCHA Project is Izon Giving’s preferred partner for allocating donations to the nonprofits on our Partners page. GOTCHA Project’s policy of 100% transparency means that every dollar in and out is 100% trackable. They take the guesswork out of whether or not a charity is being a good steward of donated dollars. GOTCHA tracks and reports the flow of funds so Izon and our philanthropic partners can confidently watch the impact of our charitable giving in communities nationwide.
GOTCHA is a team of philanthropic individuals on a mission to inspire Americans to “Get Off The Couch & Heal America” (GOTCHA). It is the goal of GOTCHA to have Americans be more aware and involved in the needs of the people in their own community, city, state, and country. Click the link below for more information.
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